Is the AI Humanizer of WriteHuman really legit?
Many people use the tool of WriteHuman to stay stealth for AI Detectors. We tested the WriteHuman Humanizer and came to some frustrating results.
To Humanize AI Text nowadays, you'd need some NLP and Machine Learning experience. In our latest blogpost we explain, why it is so difficult to Humanize ChatGPT and in general, text which is generated by an AI.
Obviously you can follow the best-practises on how to humanize AI content but that is not enough to bypass advanced AI Detectors like Copyleaks and GPTZero.
Can I use WriteHuman to bypass GPTZero?
In our test, we used GPTZero as an AI Detector to confirm the quality of the humanization process of WriteHuman.
To proof how bad WriteHuman really is, we used the default example of the GPTZero detector and run it through the WriteHuman Rephraser. To compare WriteHuman with Rephrasy, we did the same and as promised, the results are different.

Here's the comparison of WriteHuman and Rephrasy

The results are super clear, WriteHuman was not able to pass the GPTZero AI-Detector. Nevertheless, we tried to give the Humanizer a few other chances, but honestly, the WriteHuman Humanizer never passed GPTZero fully. A result of 60 % human is the best we could get and we stopped our testing after like 10 tests.
Where else is Rephrasy better than WriteHuman
We already proved that the quality of the pass rate is not sufficient and even considerable to be good with WriteHuman. We didn't even test the humanizer on even harder detectors like Copyleaks - where Rephrasy's humanizations are also undetectable.
WriteHuman pricing
The WriteHuman pricing itself is way more expensive than Rephrasy's fair pricing. We offer a service to even support students.
With the following table we want to show the real benefits of Rephrasy against WriteHuman.
| Rephrasy
| WriteHuman
| Winner
Basic Pricing
| $9/ mo
| $12/ mo
| Rephrasy
Words per request
| 2000
| 600
| Rephrasy
Requests per month
| 100
| 80
| Rephrasy
The other pricing packages look similar and even tho, the highest paid plan offers unlimited Humanizations, if the service doesn't work, it will not make any sense to subscribe to it.

The built-in AI Detector
We also tested the AI Detector of WriteHuman. Using the Human + AI example from GPTZero which leads to a 97 % mixed score, lead to a 100 % AI score on WriteHuman. Rephrasy's detector returned a score of 80 % and also indicated which advanced AI Detectors are likely to flag the text.
The biggest advantage of the Rephrasy AI Detector is the In-depth mode, which tells you exactly which sentence is a high risk in the whole text.

In conclusion, we would like to say that we have tried to be as unbiased as possible, but our tests all confirm that WriteHuman is not legit. It doesn't pass AI detection and its service doesn't work on a guaranteed basis.
We at Rephrasy are 100% undetectable and offer several additional features like a Chrome Extension, Lifetime Deals, the Humanizer and Detector API and many other tools.