Do more with the
AI Humanizer API
Use our state-of-the-art API to detect and humanize AI content
Use our state-of-the-art API to detect and humanize AI content
API usage
Humanizer API Response Example
Response Codes
- 200 OK: Request successful; scores returned.
- 422 Bad Request: Invalid input (e.g., missing parameters).
- 401 Unauthorized: Invalid API key.
Example Response
"output": "Rephrasy is a service that delivers paraphrasing of AI written text.",
"new_flesch_score": 68.77
Flesch Score Interpretation:
- The Flesch score measures readability. Higher scores indicate easier-to-read text.
- Range: 0-100. A score of 60-70 is easily readable for 13- to 15-year-olds.
- A higher score often means simpler language.
API usage
Detector API Response Example
Response Codes
- 200 OK: Request successful; scores returned.
- 422 Bad Request: Invalid input (e.g., missing parameters).
- 401 Unauthorized: Invalid API key.
Example Response (Depth Mode)
"text": "Example text.",
"sentences": { "Example text.": 5.5 },
"scores": { "overall": 1.4 }
Score Interpretation:
- Overall Score: Ranges from 0 (human) to 100 (AI).
- Sentence Scores (mode = "depth"): 0 is human, 100 is AI.
- Other modes: 100 indicates human, 0 indicates AI.
Our AI Humanizer API is designed for developers who want to humanize AI generated content in bulk. The API is designed to be simple, fast and reliable. For API only plans, please contact us directly!
Get a subscription with Rephrasy
Rephrase content on the fly with our powerful API.
Use the Rephrasy AI Detector
Detect AI content with our powerful AI detection tool on scale.
Combine both, AI Detector and Humanizer for the best results
Use Rephrasy's AI detector and humanizer together for the best results.
Humanize AI Text to Craft Content at Scale
Revolutionizing AI Paraphrasing